Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Twenty-Teen's are Here with 2013

2013 should be a good year for Missing Lymph, as all years have been good since I regrew my tonsils unintentionally.  I have been wanting to tell you about the multivitamin I take -- I have not been following any rejuvenation regimes lately, maybe in 2013 I'll give it a go again to see what results I get.    My multivitamin is from Vitamin World, recommended, a big I like it on Facebook -- and it is called ULTRA WOMAN. [I like the Marvel sounding quality of it! ]  I take half of the recommended dose of two caplets.

Also, a fellow Princeton alumna, has big news for the world of science:

I recently started a science communications company called
 We specialize in helping scientists, particularly young and  mid-career scientists, get funded and get their work out. But we also enjoy working with seasoned scientists as well. I would appreciate it if you would spread the word to people you know who need high-quality science editing and writing, proposal/grant writing, and other communication services.

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