Friday, February 03, 2006


Puerto Rico Tonsillectomy Awareness Community

Taking the advice of a very good friend, the Puerto Rico Tonsillectomy Awareness Community (PRTAC) blog has been born. It will serve as a place to reach out to people who have been tonsillectomized to become aware of the possible consequences of their surgery. I wrote this description for it:
"Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered a neurological disease caused by lymph. I
believe lymph adds power to the nervous system because in MS it takes power
away. A tonsillectomy removes a gland that contains and transports lymph at the
base of the throat. So, a tonsillectomy, in order to correct an immunological
condition, creates a long-term one in neurological terms. -- Frances M. Pabon,
Founder, PRTAC

Godspeed PRTAC!

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