Thursday, April 07, 2005


Lymph Flows 1.4.1: Healing Faster

The blister I was healing is finally unnoticeable today. So, eight days after I hurt myself walking in the wrong shoes, my skin has completely healed itself. I wish I could check a "healing" guidelines chart to see how my healing time compares to someone my same age/gender.

Monday, April 04, 2005


Milestone 1.0: Groundbreaking survey results

The first milestone in my efforts to advocate for research into the long-term effects of tonsillectomies is reporting the results of the groundbreaking survey I conducted. The survey was purposefully short to gauge if any differences would arise when comparing tonsillectomized adults with their "tonsils-intact" counterparts. The areas of comparison were:

1. Overall Health
2. Physical Activity
3. Vision
4. Hearing
5. Dental Health
6. Health Conditions

Fifty-three people participated, of which:

24 were tonsillectomized, 23 during childhood and one in adulthood.
29 were "tonsils-intact"

The average age of all participants was: 40.6 years old.

Participants were asked to rate themselves on a purposefully positive scale from 10 (= Excellent) to 0 (= Poor) in each of the five dimensions (Overall Health, Physical Activity, Vision, Hearing and Dental Health).

One “Yes or No” question inquired about “health conditions” which participants who answered affirmatively could then use to report any conditions they chose.

The following data table compares the average results of the entire sample to the tonsillectomized and "control" (tonsils-intact) groups:

NAgeHealthPhysical ActivityVisionHearingDental

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Lymph Flows 1.5: What is optimal lymph?

After my poisoning crisis, I need to post this for you too. I'd like to know: (1) what is optimal lymph? and (2) *who* has optimal lymph? Why not compare a healthy laboratory animal (animal testing may be needed here folks, unless we experiment on human guinea pigs) to one who has been force-fed, say, a Diet Pepsi! (I doubt there is any laboratory animal that would voluntarily drink a Diet Pepsi, unless it was completely parched but I may be wrong).

I can picture a small laboratory mouse getting violently sick as I did, in a cruel experiment on the animal, which makes me lean towards using either:

(1) myself as a human guinea pig or (2) a group of healthy vegetarian, vegan or normally non-Diet Pepsi drinking folks to form a human guinea group.

Right now, I'm not ready to drink a Diet Pepsi ever again -- but if I absolutely have to, I will.

To all of you: I hope you are drinking water, milk, soy milk, natural fruit juice or herbal teas... *not* any toxic sodas.

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